The Portable Charger That Powers Your Phone, Camera, Laptop and Jumpstart Your Car

River Bank Powerbank

River Bank Powerbank

This portable charger can handle most of your gadgets, and even jumpstart your car.

River Bank, the brainchild of US-China company EcoFlow, is probably something a lot of on-the-go people need right now.

This is not just your regular run-of-the-mill portable charger, it’s a heavy-duty one that has a modular approach to suit different needs. It holds its charge for more than a year, and it is possible to take on airplanes.

The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) requires portable chargers or battery packs to have a limit of 100Wh capacity. EcoFlow believes that they were able to find a way around this by breaking the charge down into modules.

River Bank’s main pack includes two USB outlets, two USB-C outlets and Qi wireless charging. For those who want to add more functions, two additional modules can be added. One for AC ports and another to jump-start cars. These two modules can also be stacked unto the main module to increase capacity or recharge it.

With the AC port module, virtually any device with a plug can be charged such as drones, cameras and laptops.


The River Bank portable charger’s main module is priced at $199. If you want the additional modules, you have to fork out an additional $99 for each one. However, you won’t be able to get this on the market just yet.

Currently, the heavy-duty portable charger is already in production but will ship out to backers from Indiegogo in August. More information are available here.