PageCloud: The Best Drag and Drop DIY Website Builder?


Those of us who can’t code (even basic HTML) and have no EQ to learn even basic Photoshop can now create a website with the help of PageCloud. Wix, a similar platform seemed manna from heaven for those like me who have but elementary skills. In fact, if I may say so myself, I guess I nailed it! But after some time, I sort of wanted more and decided to take PageCloud for a spin.

Signing up for the 14-day trial is a breeze. Yo u can do so using your Facebook, Google or email account and get logged in immediately without giving credit card or Paypal information. After signing up, you immediately enter the EDITOR where you literally can customize everything. The great thing about it is that it does the site on both the desktop and mobile view!


The THEMES look fresh and minimalist. Nothing that screams overdone. There’s one that can be adapted for needs -be it a personal website, design, coffee shop and more. After choosing your theme, go ahead and give your site a name. You can always add the domain later.

And for those who have doubts that they could do this, no worries! Once you submit your chosen name, a tutorial video promptly comes up as if conjured by some unseen webmaster! Click on the short video and get your artistic (marketing?) juices flowing.

Text and Photos are easily added. With Text, it’s WYSIWYG so you just basically edit onscreen. With photos, you can easily cut-and-paste or drag and drop from your hard drive, photo-editing application like Photoshop or from the cloud. The images are automatically optimized and easily rearranged. To increase functionality, you can integrate it with around other apps. This way, you can track your site’s performance better, sell, connect a newsletter – pretty much like how you would do it in WordPress without buying all the modules and having an advanced user, designer or developer put it together. With the flexibility and easy customization that PageCloud offers you are at the helm with no fears of dropping the ball. Help is there whenever you need it; from the chat box on the lower right to the knowledge base that’s easily accessible.

Click on the text box to edit contents. You can also change the style, arrange the order and link to external and internal pages. Create a link at will if there isn’t any yet. Don’t let the simplicity fool you. There’s plenty for those who know their way around websites – click on advanced to tweak the script editor, CSS selector, and data attributes.

Images can also be edited, replaced, and deleted. Once you’ve inserted an image just click on the box and you can edit pretty much like you did with the text. You can play around with styles, rearrange, and link. Additionally, you can edit the image SEO, mode and zoom.

Sections can be edited and pages added. Like other regular websites made from scratch, you can add video, forms, and buttons. it’s also so easy to undo, redo, and save. For those who are more adventurous and want to start from scratch, you can do that too.

So do I like this browser-based website creation platform from Canada? Yes, I do! But the caveat is, don’t wing this. Creating a website is not like just putting in everything from the top of your head. Know what you want to put in and use the most succinct text and pictures. It’s all you – just made easier by PageCloud.

Pricing is as simple as the sign-up page. Depending on whether you want to get charged for the whole year ($20/month) or monthly ($24/month) you enjoy:

  • Hosting & Security
  • Unlimited Pages & Storage
  • Expert Su‍‍‍pport
  • Mobile Websites
  • Free Themes
  • Custom Domains
  • 3 Team Members
  • 70+ Integrations

The annual subscription perks are hard to ignore. For the first year, it includes the Free Domain Name and Google G Suite (includes branded email)‍‍‍. And yes, there’s help when you need it so you can have the website that’s been sitting in your mind for the longest time out there where you can inform, sell, and market.