Leaked Image Reveals Microsoft’s New Xbox Controller For Accessibility

Leaked Xbox Controller

The Xbox may be getting a new controller built for accessibility.

Leaked Xbox Controller

A leaked image posted by Twitter user WalkingCat shows a controller with two oversized A and B pads, a d-pad, and the usual Xbox button and navigation controls. Could this be a controller designed for people with disability?

It seems very likely. Windows Central reports that Microsoft has been quietly working on a controller designed around accessibility needs. It is possible that this could be the latest controller for the Xbox.

The giant A and B pads look like they can be programmable controllers. It also has a large directional pad, and oversized Guide, Back, and Start buttons. Looking closer at side of the controller, you can see a USB port and a headphone jack. At the controller’s top part, there are at least 22 symbols which could be inputs for other devices to map Xbox functions to. The three light LEDs could indicate when different programmed modes are active.

It’s good to know that major companies like Microsoft are trying to be more inclusive in their devices. There’s no denying that most gaming consoles require precise motor control which could be difficult to some people. If this turns out to be a real device, it could really give a better gaming experience for those with unique accessibility needs.

Microsoft will have its E3 in June. If this is indeed a legit device, we’re sure to hear about it at the event.