April 25, 2018: What Will you Choose? Avengers: Infinity War Or Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery


What To Choose On April 25, 2018: Avengers: Infinity War Or Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery

Fans must choose between Avengers: Infinity War and Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery on April 25, 2018. This will be a big day for fans who have waited for these to be released. But wait! It might not be that hard to choose if you are fans of both The Avengers and Harry Potter.


Avengers: Infinity War is a movie while Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery is game for iOS and Android.

Avengers: Infinity War

This movie is the latest from Marvel. Avid Marvel fans have long been waiting for this to come out in the big screen. But the long wait is over. The movie will finally be out on April 25, 2018.

Marvel held the red carpet premier on Monday, April 23rd. This the public an early look at what the biggest film in Marvel Cinematic Universe History has to offer. Those who have watched the premier should have kept mum about it, but excitement took over.

According to those who have watched it, the movie is an epic. Imagine cramming 237 superheroes in one film and getting them to fight one another! The action was very good, according to the lucky few who have been to the premier. The movie is full of world building and character development, and crisp, inventive action sequences. Its ending will make your jaw drop to the floor. Now this is what you call exciting!


Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery

This is an app for iOS and Android. Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character. Players will be able to experience life as a Hogwart’s student.

The game will launch under Portkey Games. This is a new label dedicated to creating experiences inspired by the the magic and adventures of J.K. Rowling’s Wizardling World.

This game will put you in the shoes of Hogwart’s students. You will do what they do in the movie where this game was based. So Harry Potter fans, prepare to enjoy the game and experience the world of magic.

What Will It Be Then: Avengers: Infinity War Or Harry Potter: Hogwart’s Mystery

No need to make a decision and choose between the two if you are fans of both. Avengers being a movie and Harry Potter being a game, you can choose both. You can go watch the new Avengers movie and play the new Harry Potter game afterwards. And you can do these all on the same day, on April 25, 2018.