Players who enrolled as Xbox One Insider can download a new update. They can now have a sneak peek of the Preview Alpha Build by downloading it, especially those who joined in the Insiders Program.
If you enrolled in the Insiders Program, you could actually test out a new system and some of the games features before it will be rolled out live to other players. However, there is no assurance if all the new features would be readily available immediately. As experienced some of the game’s features are rolled out several weeks.
Xbox One’s Alpha Build
Xbox One’s alpha build has also added inactivity shut down options both to the power mode and the startup menu. This means that players can shut down the gaming console after several hours of inactivity.
Also, one of the newest features, if not an addition to the Xbox Insiders is the Next Achievement feature. Those players who test the new features and games from Xbox One would now be able to sort a cross-games sourced from the upcoming Achievements.
Gamers claim that through the Next Achievement feature, they can actually track the next achievement that is closest to and launch the game quickly to achieve whatever achievement in the game. Also, players can now sort the achievements based on how rare they are.
Not only that, a game guide called Mini Game Hubs will be available to players. This means that they would be able to easily access the game contents from the games that they played recently. One best feature of the Mini game Hubs is that it allows players to see friends who are playing in real time, including the game’s upcoming Achievements, among others.