BYTON: Unparalleled SMART Car Experience

BYTON's Shared Experience Display includes sensors that enable front and rear passengers to control the screen using hand gestures. (PRNewsfoto/BYTON)

Life imitates art with Byton’s introduction at CES 2018 (Consumer Electronics Show) of its first product – an all-electric SUV that delivers unparalleled smart car experience whether you are the driver or the passenger. Poised to launch in mid-2019, it will use 5G technology and will be capable of Google car’s pride, self-driving. When you ride a Byton, you actually have the fastest and safest (encrypted) connection on the road through multiple modems, connected antennas, onboard programmable SIM cards, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC.

Because it was meant to be cutting edge for the long-term, Byton’s design, from its aerodynamics, battery charging, and carbon footprint are prepared for the future. Byton ensures efficiency and top performance in the years to come. Despite its sporty look, it is low-maintenance, reaching 80% charge in 30 minutes with the capacity to run 325 miles

“Be electrified, stay connected, trust your intuition. It’s not only about technology. It’s about life.” – Byton

Do we dare say that TESLA’s car has met its match? Beauty, power, and serious brains were experienced during test drives; affirming the company’s vision of replacing horsepower with digital power. This car actually makes 007 and Batman vehicles the relics that they are and sleek looks make you forget it’s China-based. An economy model is priced at $45,000 more or less, while a souped-up version will come closer to the Tesla range.

Benoit Jacob, currently the Head of Design at Byton was the former head of design at BMW and this explains the sleek European looks. Jacob based his innovative design on how people are going to move in the future, highlighting human and machine integration. Jacob stressed that Byton’s concept allowed the user to use his time more meaningfully, even taking care of small details like a charging dock for the smartphone.

It screams clean design from the moment you push a button that swings open the car door so you can enter. The Byton car is keyless and has no handles because the car recognizes you through its multiple sensors. Once you’re in the driver’s seat, you’ll appreciate the dashboard-sized touchscreen which eliminates the dangerous practice of glancing at and fidgeting with your smartphone while driving.

Being a smart device, it shares relevant information (when you want it to) about your location, expected time of arrival and the like. You also get information in real time – especially handy when there are sudden changes in plans. And last but not least, Byton gives you the freedom to communicate according to how you want to: voice, touch, or gesture control.

The user experience is not only made richer by the huge screen but it is also made safer since you don’t get distracted by pushing control buttons. With slight hand gestures, you can select where to go, what to eat, and choose from an array of entertainment options. It’s not so much as achieving top speed or fast response, but more of being a gadget that lets you do more and be more, even while in motion. You know Byton means business when it integrates an 8-in touchscreen tablet onto the steering wheel. The car can be manipulated through the tablet or by gesture recognition on the dashboard. And for those with health issues, it’s good to know that your car can monitor your health (BP, heart rate) as you drive.





“At Byton we believe that The Digital user experience will be the number one deciding Factor for our customers.”

Byton has two other unique features that make it a truly shared experience between driver and passenger: the proprietary Air Touch sensors allow front and rear passengers to control the display screen with hand gestures and the Byton Life Cloud Platform connects all passengers’ apps and devices so they don’t miss a beat while traveling.

It may take a while to adjust to a car that has no rear-view mirror and entrust your gauge of depth and distance to cameras and sensors that seem to be everywhere. The jury is still out on whether that is legally sound in China and the international market. But suffice to say that Byton’s adjustments will now mar its pristine, minimalistic looks. After all, at Byton, they have taken the utmost care to veer from the way EVs look to something that looks both stunning and stable. Despite its futuristic looks, it does inspire trust. Definitely, it’s futuristic engineering at its finest; one that brings “smart mobility and autonomous driving” together seamlessly.

Byton is an international car based in Nanjing, China, with smart technology developed in Silicon Valley, and car design developed in Munich. Those who have tested the car say it’s a smooth ride and accelerates well. Its sedan and SUV versions are in production and will rock the world next year; hopefully with on-the-road performance living up to the expectations of its intelligent design.

“Horsepower becomes data power Performance becomes connectivity Better driving becomes better living.”