Ataribox is Holding Back Pre-Orders Because of Some Delays


What is Ataribox?

Produced by Atari, SA, Ataribox is a home video game console which will be released next year. It is considered as the “comeback” of Atari due to years of absence.

It was first announced that pre-orders will start this month but the company announced some delays.

The reason, according to them, is that there is one key element that needs to be improved. They want the best for their consumers and they will make sure that it will be worth the wait.

Let’s talk about the console itself. Based on the images released, it has a SD Card slot, 4 USB ports and HDMI Output.There is also an ethernet cable port and a headphone jack.

Here’s a video of your first look at the Atirabox:


Black/red version and with a stylish wood finish are the two variants of the said console.

Is the Ataribox the future competitor of PlayStation 4 and XBox? We have to wait until next year to find out.