Catch ‘Em All, Including Your Next Date!


Yup, you’ve read the title right. With the Pokémon GO app the current hottest thing in App stores around the world, it was only a matter of time before those pale-skinned basement gamers came outside to socialize with real people. Why not do one better and possibly get a date while you’re at it? You never know what your destiny may hold!

PokeMatch co-creator Rene Roosen needed a date while wanting to catch Pokemon. He teamed up with his friends Pim de Witte and Troy Osinoff to Create PokeMatch. PokeMatch is an app that allows you to find dates or friends that play Pokemon GO. After launching Android-only, the app went crazy on Reddit and was covered by major news outlets such as CBS and Forbes. PokeMatch has already created more than 10 THOUSAND matches! Today, the app was released for iPhone.

Pim de Witte, co-creator of the app says: “We’re seeing insane growth. Something I’ve never seen before is happening to us, and it is feeling kind of surreal. People are using our app all over the world. With the launch of our new iOS app, we hope to connect every single Pokemon GO player.”

PokeMatch Main Screen Players are not only using the app to find dates, but also to find other team members to play with. With the release of our new feature to find friends, we are helping bring more players together than ever. This highly requested feature will bring in a whole new audience into the app. This is no longer a Pokemon dating app, this is now an app to make connections.

“It’s not just a hook-up app, PokeMatch and Pokemon GO create actual connections between people, completely for free,” says Pim de Witte.

“Our objective since launch has expanded, from an app to find a date to an app to make connections. Pokemon GO has brought everyone outside to play Pokemon, our objective is to connect them,” says Troy Osinoff.

“We’re also seeing people use it because they feel safer going Pokemon hunting with other people. It can be quite scary to go out on your own,” says Rene Roosen.

Rene has also managed to find a date himself using the app. Pim is already married and has simply been enjoying the ride.

It can be found on the following links:
