iPhone 5 jailbroken hours after release?

iPhone jailbreak

iPhone 5 seems to have been jailbroken in just a few hours!

An American man is claiming to have jailbroken an Apple iPhone 5, just hours after the device went up on sale at Apple Stores.

According to AllThingD, Grant Paul of San Francisco was able to bypass the restrictions of the iPhone 5 and jailbreak it.

Paul said to AllThingsD that, “I started working on it the day before the iPhone 5 was released, and I had my iPhone 4S jailbroken on iOS 6 in a few hours.”

“Then, once I got an iPhone 5, it was even easier; it took just about half an hour from first turning it on to a jailbroken iPhone 5,” he added.

Jailbreaking enables an individual to bypass many restrictions initially placed there by the manufacturer or in this case, Apple. iPhone jailbreak allows owners to download apps that are not available in the App Store and it also enables them to customize the device more than an un-jailbroken iPhone.

Paul added also said, “I want to stress that the biggest impact of this is to allow other jailbreak creators to start working no their own jailbreaks. In the past, this same set of methods to get into the device has helped other gain enough access to create and test a jailbreak that does end up being released to the public.”

Image Source: gizmodo.com