Google to pull the plug on Google Talk’s mobile web app

Google talk for iOS

No more Google Talk by Google If you’re an avid fan or frequent user of GTalk’s mobile web app for iOS, you might need to find a new app for chatting with your buddies since Google is pulling the plug for Google Talk service.

According to a Google representative who noted on Google’s Chat support page, “We are shutting down the mobile web app for Google Talk. For mobile users who want to continue using Google Talk, we recommend using the native Google talk app on Android or any XMPP-compliant apps on iOS or other mobile platforms.”

Google Talk has been a popular chat service for those who have accounts and their Google Talk service has been used predominantly by them.

For Apple iOS users, Google Talk has never been a stand-alone app. Google has been offering this service to iOS users through a mobile web app.

The company said that, “we are working hard on some new and exciting updates to chat in the future, so keep an eye out!”

Apps that say that they integrate their services with Google are Fring, IM+,, Nimbuzz and more. So if you’re an iOS user, you might want to download one of those apps to continue chatting with your GTalk friends.

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