Facebook updates Facebook Messenger app for Android


Facebook Messenger app Facebook for Android rolled out its new features that includes the ability to send an SMS message to their contacts directly from the app.

Facebook Messenger’s updated version now allows users to see who they can chat with or who is online by simply sliding the left portion of the screen. You can even add Facebook friends that you normally chat with on your Favorites section so you won’t be struggling to find them on the list.

The Facebook Messenger update is now online. For iOS users, an update will soon be rolled out.

For those who don’t have a Facebook Messenger app, the social media giant has updated their Facebook for Android.

For the simple Facebook app update, it features a new button in the upper portion of your News Feeds that you can tap so that you can see who is now available to chat with. At the same time, it also shows your friends who are currently active or who are currently using the app so that you can reply to their messages instantly.

This updates are very much welcome to Facebook app and Facebook Messenger users of Android. Since this will enable them to combine two of their most beloved endeavors: chatting with friends and being updated with them.

Have you downloaded the app yet?

Image Source: appadvice.com