Facebook doubling their efforts to remove fake “Likes”

Fake Likes on facebook

Fake Likes on facebook

Facebook is trying to clamp down on bots that are being used by individuals to “Like” posts.

With the company going public, Facebook is trying to protect their business by removing fake accounts which include fake “Likes”.

According to a blog post by the Facebook Security team, they are going to toughen up their efforts to remove those “Likes” which are violating their company’s terms.

Facebook said, “These newly improved automated efforts will remove those Likes gained by malware, compromised accounts, deceived users, or purchased bulk Likes. While we have always had dedicated protections against each of these threats on Facebook, these improved systems have been specifically configured to identify and take action against suspicious Likes.”

“On average, less than 1% of Likes on any given Page will be removed, providing they and their affiliates have been abiding by our terms,” the post said.

A Statistics company studied the number of the fake “Likes” that Facebook is removing. They found out that Texas HoldEm Pker of Zynga lost about 74,000 likes in a single week while Lady Gaga lost about 55,000 likes in the same span.

Zynga’s “Likes” loss accounted to about .3% of the number of “Likes” for the company .

Image Source: allfacebook.com