Trustgo eliminates those malicious apps in your Android device

Antivirus app for your Android device


Antivirus app for your Android device Nowadays, Android users should be very wary about what apps they install to their devices as the influx of malwares disguised as apps have spiked.

Shielding yourself from these troublesome viruses could be crucial to your privacy.

One such app that offers you protection from these unwanted intruders is TrustGo Antivirus & Mobile Security.

TrustGo has been in the business of protecting PCs the world over. Now, they are setting their sights to protecting you and your mobile phone.

TrustGo offers its users many things including its Security Scanner. You can opt to run the Security Scanner to scan your smartphone with malwares. It can scan installed apps and those saved in your SD card. You can also schedule it to automatically scan.

Unfortunately it does not offer users deep scanning ability. What this means is that TrustGo doesn’t scan media files and system files.

Its Secure Web Browsing feature protects you from entering malicious sites. But it currently only works with the default browser of Android and Dolphin browser.

The TrustGo Antivirus & Mobile Security free app is one application that has to be installed in your Android devices. It is a great ally to thwart unwanted apps from stealing vital information from you.

Android users might feel safer now when downloading apps!

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