If you’re an individual who has trouble remembering what route to take towards a destination, GPS navigation equipment might be of good use to you. Let’s face the fact that all humans are gifted with good memory and a lot of us have this trouble when remembering addresses.
Navfree USA could be your ally on the road. This North American brand is an open sourced GPS navigation software that is free for Android users.
Navfree is free and downloading and updating a map has no charges. These said free maps are downloaded and stored locally so you won’t have to ping a server to download map tiles while calculating and recalculating routes.
Once Navfree is installed in your device, you’d have to go to the Upgrades section of the main menu to download the map data that Navfree needs in order for it to navigate you towards your destination. You can add additional languages if you decide to listen to your mother tongue.
Maps are provided by OpenStreetMap.org. Map sizes may vary depending on the state that you’re downloading. The map for California takes up about 250 MB of storage space in your device. So you better free up space on your smartphone.
Image Source: mobiputing.com