According to a study released by Simply Measured, a number of the world’s top brands are already hooked into Facebook’s photo-sharing service, Instagram.
40 of the world’s 100 iconic brands or 40% are now on Instagram. While 98% are on Facebook and 94% are on Twitter.
Last 2011, Instagram was able to amass 15 million users. That number has since ballooned to 80 million, thanks to its popularity and ease of use. Simply Measured added that by this fall, Instagram will have 100 million users.
Facebook was able to hit eclipse the 100 million barrier four years after they were launched, while Twitter took over 5 years to hit it.
Simply Measured CEO Adam Schoenfeld said, “This aggressive growth has provided a massive marketing opportunity and top brands are taking it seriously.”
Instagram is a free service that lets you share your photos with filters on it.
Those brands included in the 40 are MTV, which is Instagram’s top brand with 813,201 users, closely followed by Starbucks. McDonald’s ranks sixth on the list. Others include Nike, Gucci, Coca Cola, Burberry and GE.
Majority of these brands use Instagram to propagate their brand names. At least 25% post a photo on a weekly basis.
Merceds-Benz, Audi and Armani are considered to be three of the most active Instagram users.
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Sharing with those who do, TNG 🙂
Love Instagram! Twitter & Instagram rock!!!
I love Pinterest spend a lot of time there (my favorites are rpeeics which I really do make and ideas for school). I spend a lot of time on Facebook connecting with people from so many parts of my life, including people I haven’t seen in years. In a way, that is a good witnessing tool (but not an in your face kind). I love Draw Something and Words with Friends. I do those when I hop on the elliptical. And I confess I am a complete Lockup (reality show about prison) junkie not sure why. I think it all intrigues me (from a human perspective, not that I am a criminal in disguise). Oh, and blogging, though I am not always good about doing it faithfully
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