Avoid unnecessary keyboard spills with Logitech Washable K310


In the fast paced lifestyle that people live nowadays, multi-tasking is a common sight to be seen. At home or at the workplace, people juggle different tasks into a seemingly narrow time.

With the advent of this practice, people tend to commit errors often. Due to difficulties in coordinating one task with another, we sometimes accidentally commit a mistake that we later regret.

Take for instance typing a report in your keyboard while at the same time talking to someone at the phone and sipping some coffee every once in a while. The most frequent accident is you spilling your drink on your keyboard destroying that once pristine ally of yours.

What can you do? There are instances where you can only let your keyboard dry and use it again. In other cases, you have to replace the whole thing and spend a few hard earned dollars for your clumsiness.

Here is where the Logitech Washable Keyboard K310 comes in.

Introduced last Wednesday, the Logitech Washable Keyboard K310 is a device that you can submerge in water. Its design hasn’t changed from Logitech’s other keyboards. The only thing that separates it from the rest is its ability to be dipped into water.

According to Logitech, the Washable K310 keyboard can handle water unlike any other keyboards out there.

Another great thing about this keyboard is that you can easily rinse it once it gets dirty. So no more dusting your keyboards. And the best of it all, it dries easily.

The Logitech Washable Keyboard K310 retails at $39.99 and will soon be available at your retail outlest.

Image Source: mashable.com