Parents friend their children in social media to check on them


A study presented during the educators conference yesterday said that most teenagers use social media and parents friending their kids to monitor what sites their children visit at an increased rate.

According to the study, 76% of children are on social media sites and 93% of them are one Facebook. This is according to the Pew Internet study that tries to answer questions regarding teens’ behaviors online.

The study also showed that there is an increase in social media usage when your child grows with age.

45% of online 12 year olds use social networking sites and that 82% of 13 year olds use the internet.

60% of parents checked out the sites their children visit way back in 2000. It rose by 16% to 77% in 2011.

What startling about the study is that children don’t use email that much at all.

The Pew study said that teens use text messaging for communication instead of email. Only 6% of teens use email daily while 39% said that they never use email to communicate. 63% of teens today send an SMS message daily, some of them send 100 messages in a single day.

The study also showed that 39% of parents friend their child in social media site while 62% of teens use privacy settings of the sites they join.

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