Taiwanese tech firm HTC is gambling that their next venture to the tablet market could lead to success, unlike their previous gamble where they lost.
Known for their smartphones rather than tablets, the company previously released their own version with the Flyer. Unfortunately for the company, the fanfare for the Flyer didn’t resonate well with consumers.
Sprint Nextel supported the HTC Flyer when they rebranded the product and called it Eco View. Still, the turn out wasn’t that great.
The technology of HTC which made it popular to individuals, the HTC Sense, wasn’t working well with tablets.
PC Advisor, who first reported this development, said that HTC told them that they wouldn’t sell a tablet until their tablet will have a unique selling point.
With numerous tablets out there in the market and in pipelines of tablet developers, this foray of HTC to return to the tablet scene should come with an extraordinary feature that would let it stand out against other tablets made by other companies.
HTC has faced weak sales since last year and have been banned temporarily in the US.
Earlier this year, HTC released their One line devices. Unfortunately for them, Samsung Galaxy S III overshadowed their latest entry to the smartphone market.
Will HTC be successful in their new venture?
Image Source: imtechnonews.com