LifeWatch V can help you prevent unwanted health scare


Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a smartphone that features social networking apps, apps that we can use in our day to day lives, games and most importantly, a feature that would enable you to save your life?

We do not need to look far to have this kind of device in our pockets.

The Android based LifeWatch V features sensors that enable you to perform tasks such as medical tests in the palm of your hand. You do not need to go to a hospital and pay for their services. All you need is get your smartphone out of the pocket and voila!

When you hold the LifeWatch V in a certain way, users can perform various tests for your health. These tests include ECG, heart rate, body fat, temperature and stress level. The LifeWatch V can also act as a blood glucose monitor so that diabetics can track their blood sugar levels. But in order for you to do this test, you’d have to provide test strips and a needle.

Still, regular visits to your doctor are needed for you to ensure that you are in good health. You can have your physician receive the results of your tests with data connectivity.

What do you think of LifeWatch V, then?

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