iTunes Movies hits international cloud!


For a long time, many services offered by iTunes have only been accessible to selected countries. Most of these services began only at US. Even for Google’s services, it would seem that the US is the basic testing ground for services, before they hit the world. Only recently were movies and books added to worldwide access. Slowly but surely, services that were previously only for the US, are now available to the rest of the world.

One of the most recent additions to the worldwide access is the iTunes Movies in the cloud. This allows Apple users to finally be able to stream their movies using the Cloud on any device, provided they have the same Apple ID logged in. This allows the user to purchase a movie in iTunes, and not worry that they have to sync the device or keep the movie in memory.

The best part is that these movies synced from your iTunes purchases are not counted in your Cloud data limit, so you won’t have to worry about running out of space for your important files, music and other personal videos. The service allows you to download the videos to your device as well, in case streaming is not possible for you at the time.

The countries that have received the new iTunes Movies in the Cloud feature are the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, some parts of Latin America, as well as key areas in the Asia Pacific region, where the market is growing for Apple products. It would seem that among the notable countries included in the list, the Scandinavian countries of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway were not fortunate enough to be added to the list.

It’s great that the world is finally receiving many services that they only usually read or hear from news in the US.

What will be the first movie that you will stream from the cloud?

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