Adobe releases PhoneGap 2.0


Are you a disgruntled app developer and would want to find a program that can allow you to create programs across multiple platforms?

Well, Adobe has something for you.

Adobe recently launched their PhoneGap 2.0 program, their latest entry to the open source mobile application development framework. This new program brings with it new features and improvement to the PhoneGap.

Ever since PhoneGap was launched, it has helped programmers to develop applications for multiple operating systems with standards-based HTML and JavaScript.

Adobe acquired PhoneGap when they bought Nitobi.

According to Adobe PhoneGap engineering director Andre Charland, “The PhoneGap community is bigger and stronger than ever with new contributors since last year like Google, Microsfot, RIM and HP. With a bigger community and additional resources from Adobe we’re shipping new versions of PhoneGap much faster than a year ago.”

Windows Phone 8 support was added in this latest edition of the PhoneGap. Other new features include new remote debugging tool, Cordova WebView, which is an embeddable HYML rendering control that incorporates Cordova functionality, standardized command line tooling and improved documentation.

So if you’re an avid programmer and wants to break out in the app scene, be sure to check out the new Adobe PhoneGap 2.0.

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