Better Skype integration in Windows Phone 8?



Microsoft revealed that their internet communication tool Skype will be more integrated with their upcoming operating system, Windows Phone 8, to be released in a few months.

Microsoft said this during their Windows Phone 8 summit. The company’s Skype team revealed last month that they are working hard on Skype for Windows 8.

Skype was acquired by Microsoft last year, it currently has about 200 million users and is considered as one of the premiere internet communication programs around.

The Skype app for Windows Phone 8 will boost Nokia devices VOIP or voice-over-IP support. This will enable users to make Skype calls much like making a traditional voice call.

After hearing the news, Xbox fanatics posed a question as to when Skype will be made available to Xbox units.

Being the owner of Skype, Microsoft has the ability to place this technology to all their devices including the Xbox and the rumored Xbox 720.

Rumors have persisted that Skype will be integrated to the Xbox 720 but it still hasn’t been confirmed by Microsoft.

Skype has long been popular to individuals the world over. If rumors are true, that Skype will be made available to the Xbox, then this could make the game console’s hold on the top firmer.

Do you believe that the Xbox 720 will be integrated with Skype?

Are you tempted to buy Windows Phone 8?

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