Microsoft releases patch to combat Flame virus


The Flame virus, which was first discovered on infected Windows-based desktop computers in the Middle East, has surprised and has left some experts bewildered at how the attackers developed the virus.

Disguising itself as a legit Microsoft program, the company took it personally to develop a fix to combat the Flame virus, which they did and released it to the public to protect them from the wrath of this malware.

Experts were stunned when they discovered how the Flame virus disguises itself and how it attacks vulnerable PCs. Some even believe that this virus could have been used to deliver other cyber weapons that have yet to be discovered.

Microsoft spokesperson failed to comment on whether other malwares are exploiting the same flaws in Windows or if they are trying to look for similar bugs in their OS.

The developers of the virus were able to obtain a digital certificate that identifies the Flame virus as a legit piece of software from Microsoft.

The thing that bugs analysts and experts the most, is that if other hackers have copied the same technique and launched more attacks with new malwares.

Senior director with Microsoft’s Security Response Center Mike Reavey said, “We continue to investigate this issue and will take any appropriate actions to help protect customers.”

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