Bing Maps completes major upgrade


Google maps has long been considered as the top of its class. But Microsoft is trying to change that when they upgraded Bing, which now boasts of a 165 terabyte satellite shots of locations throughout the globe.

This is the largest data release ever for Bing and Microsoft. Bing used to only have 129 TB of data.

Bing said in a blog post, “This release features imagery over North America, South America, Africa, Australia, Europe and Asia. The total area covered in this data release is nearly 38 million square kilometers.”

Google Maps have long been used by individuals who would want to have a birds-eye-view of any point in the world. Though it clearly needs updates, the former still is usable and can still properly guide you through busy city streets.

With the upgrade on Bing, Microsoft is poised to become a major rival for Google. But can they overtake Google’s lead in this market?

The data released by Bing in their latest update includes photography taken from satellites and aircraft.

According to Bing, the company has completed 100% percent of aerial photography of the US and they are planning to finish the whole of Europe by the end of the year.

The Global Ortho Photography on Bing Maps covers approximately 9.54 million square kilometers of the world.

Care to try out Bing Maps?

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