Apple Requests Samsung ban. This starts everything. Again.


Apple is at it again with another ban request for another Samsung device. With over 30 cases against Samsung on its belt, Apple seeks to request a sales ban of the new Galaxy S III phone in the U.S. This is in addition to all the other Galaxy phones that they are currently fighting over, due to patent infringements.

Samsung has assured the masses that they will “vigorously” fight against this ban request filed in the U.S. District Court for Northern California. They claim that there simply is no merit to the claims that they have infringed 2 of Apple patents. This time, it’s not just about how confident they are, they simply have to fight it because of the large potential loss they will encounter if the device does get banned. Think about a lot of disappointed customers who pre-ordered the device.

Apple has filed this sales ban of the Galaxy S III as an extension to the ongoing battle featuring the Galaxy Nexus, which they claimed to have hit at least 4 patents. For the Galaxy S III, they claim that it touches on the patent for a unified search interface and the patent for identifying patterns in data.

Apple wins 'slide to unlock' patent battle against Motorola No one plans to back down, as the initial attempt to settle quickly broke down. Apple has the money, and they are willing to dig deep in that vault to ban the Galaxy S III and 17 other devices before it, from being sold in American soil. Many would cry that this is simply anti-competitive, as Apple has reportedly insisted that they will not allow royalties for the said patents and insists that these patent breaking functions be removed completely from the said devices, or risk a full sales ban. What they fail to admit, is that they are scared because Android devices are taking over their market share at an alarming rate.

While the battle goes on, Samsung is confident that they will be able to prove that there is no infringement and that the device is a unique Smartphone. They claim that the sales will go on as planned by June 21 this year. If this pushes through, they may just overshadow the release of the iPhone which is rumored to be released by July this year.

It would be funny to note that despite the fact that Apple and Samsung have been at each other’s throats in 3 continents all over the world, regarding this legal battle, they are still trading business as usual, with Apple being one of the Samsung’s biggest customers for chips and display screens, as well as several other mobile components. Talk about shaking your hand while stabbing you on the back.

 Samsung and Apple products there are many similarities, the fuse of a patent war Ever since Android got popular, Apple has been hitting nearly every handset manufacturer, big or small, with their large portfolio of patents. There is special focus on the battle for the Galaxy Nexus, simply because it is Android’s flagship phone. They want to fight against the Galaxy S III, which they claim is another devise that slavishly copies the look and feel of their iPhone. The device is poised to take over the Smartphone market with a large demand for the device, as proven by a substantial amount of pre-orders, made for the device.

Samsung will not back down, and Apple will keep pressing charges left and right to assert itself. Innovation is at a halt due to fear of litigation. The legal wars are far from over.

Which side do you think will win? How much longer do you think the era of Smartphone litigation will go on?

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