Twitter upgrades users privacy control


Social networking site Twitter said that they are now going to honor Do Not Track requests so as for users to better improve their privacy control.

Director of growth and international at Twitter Othman Laraki said, “These tailored suggestions are based on accounts followed by other Twitter users and visits to websites in the Twitter ecosystem.”

“We receive visit information when sites have integrated Twitter buttons or widgets, similar to what many other companies – including LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube – do when they’re integrated into websites.”

By recognizing which accounts are frequently followed by people who visit popular sites, we can recommend those accounts to others who have visited those sites within the last ten days.”

Do Not Track is a privacy setting available in a few browsers; it basically tells websites that you have opted out of tracking by way of an HTTP header.

If you choose not to be tracked at browser level, some websites will be unable to allow third parties to note what websites you visit and when to inform advertising and analytics.

Unfortunately, not all websites agree not to track you and not all browsers have the option.

It is currently available only from Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Google has assured their followers that their own Chrome browser will have the option before the year ends.

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