Religious sites may be more dangerous than porn sites


The prevalent malware attacks have caught the world off guard. The high rate of infected computers has been on the rise even if security firms have been trying to be on top of the situation. The threat is still there and the numbers can still climb.

According to Symantec in its Internet Security Threat Report’s 2011 trends that was published last month, “Religious and ideological sites were found to have triple the average number of threats per infected site than adult/pornographic sites.”

They add that, “We hypothesize that this is because pornographic website owners already make money from the Internet and, as a result, have vested interest in keeping their sites malware-free – it’s not good for repeat business.”

The Security firm also noted that majority of malicious sites are regular sites that you think pose no threat to your computers.

Unbeknownst to the user, what seems to be a legitimate Website may itself be infected by these malwares.

Symantec adds, “Attackers keep changing their technique and they have become very sophisticated. Badly-spelled, implausible email has been replaced by techniques such as ‘clickjacking’ or ‘likejacking where a user visits a website to watch a tempting video and the attackers use that click to post a comment to all the user’s friends on Facebook, thereby enticing them to click on the same malicious link.”

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