Mobile web traffic continues to rise


Web browsing has never been this much fun! With the advent of smartphones, individuals can browse the Web, wherever and whenever they want to.

And according to a study from online advertising network Chitika, mobile web browsing accounts for about 20 percent of web traffic in North America (United States and Canada). Desktop based users now only account to 80 percent of the web traffic and the trend is that this number will continue to dip, as the number of smartphones owners and tablet users continue to rise.

If we simplify the numbers, smartphone web browsing accounts to 14.6 percent, while tablet users on the other hand make up 5.6 percent of web traffic.

The report also added that Windows phone now accounts for a third of mobile web traffic as they are tied with BlackBerry. This could be due to the fact that Windows phone screens are much larger and has a powerful browser compared to RIM’s device.

Chitika also said that peak hours of mobile phone Internet usage are during the evening.

They also added that 95 percent of tablet web traffic comes from Apple’s iPad.

If we take a look at desktops, the report says that 85 percent of the web traffic comes from Windows based PCs.

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