Facebook Creates New Admin Roles and Scheduled Posts!


Facebook has finally decided to launch the feature of scheduled posts, after making marketers use Hootsuite and other websites for scheduling, a long time now. Relax, now you can manually schedule a post from Facebook, too!

It seems that Facebook has realised the increasing need for every marketer to use the site as a major tool for online marketing and thus, they decided to cover their continuous need for scheduled posts. Now you don’t need to use any other site for scheduling, which is more convenient than ever! All you have to do is go to the status box and click on the clock that sets the time and month you want to post the post. It’s that simple!

Apart from scheduled posts, Facebook now allows the division between the administrators, in order to clarify each one’s role. If you are managing a Facebook page and have added two others as administrators, you can finally adjust the rights each one will have. For example, you can be the Manager, who is responsible for everything in the page, but you can also have a Content Creator to post and an Insights Analyst to monitor the traffic. It’s like a blog, where you set the role each user has. This can be really helpful, especially if you were cautious until now in adding new admins, being afraid of the possible consequences of their new responsibilities. Now it’s up to you to decide what each one is capable of doing.

It’s another tool that will make marketers happy and generally anyone that uses Facebook Pages.

Scheduled posts are a big step for Facebook, and a possible big loss for third-party apps like Hootsuite and Sendible. Will it change the social media marketing strategies now?

Image source: Mashable


  1. Fabulous since prior to this change Facebook didn’t give much weight to pre-scheduled posts with 3rd party apps. This is a great upgrade!

  2. I’m sure the majority of users won’t care as they use it for personal profiles only but for Pages … it’ll be great!

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