Foxconn eyes opening sites outside China


The world’s largest computer manufacturer, Foxconn Technology Group, has made public that they want to relocate some of its facilities outside of China due to wage increases and unavailability of workers and has included a number of countries in the list including the Philippines.

The Philippines Board of Investments Promotions Group has already begun courting the manufacturing giant to draw their investments to the South East Asian nation.

Foxconn is only planning to relocate some of their facilities and not the whole of their operation. It is still unclear what components or facilities are going to be relocated.

They currently employ about 1.2 million individuals in their China facilities. They produce tablets, PCs and laptops for export internationally.

Apple, Inc. is one of Foxconn’s biggest clients. They produce the company’s Mac mini, the iPod, iPad and the iPhone. Intel, Zoostorm, Sony, Microsoft, Motorola and the Amazon’s Kindle and Cisco equipment’s are being created by Foxconn.

Statistics have shown that the company is producing or manufacturing at least 40 percent of smartphones, computers and other electronic gadgets being used worldwide.

The company came under fire about a few weeks ago when reports circulated that they provide poor working conditions for their workers.

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