Updates for BBM, Facebook, Twitter apps for BlackBerry released


It was a terrible 2011 for Research In Motion. Change of leaderships and a ton of problems have shaken up the company.

Now, they are trying to get back into shape and take the world by storm starting with their plans of updating the BlackBerry Messenger, Facebook and Twitter apps for their OS. The updates come after a long wait for their subscribers. Can this be the start of the BlackBerry resurgence?

The Facebook mobile app for the BlackBerry was updated. The updates include a much improved BBM Connect integration including the ability to share a specific post with a BBM contact. The user interface was also updated and now has easier access to privacy setting.

The Twitter app on the other hand was also updated. It now has the same BBM Connect integration, Twitter photo service integration, URL shortening feature, an updated Tweet layout.

For the popular BlackBerry Messenger service, the improvements are not as elaborate as the previous two. They now have an animated display picture. it now has streamlined voice notes.

Improvements on BlackBerry Tags were also done. The Search was also tweaked to give you a better BlackBerry experience.