InstaCover for your Facebook Timeline


A lot of individuals hate the new lay-out of the Timeline feature of Facebook. Unfortunately, once you’ve updated your profile to the Timeline, you don’t have any other option to reset it back to the old look.

That Timeline change may have ruined your Facebook experience and a lot of individuals have aired their sentiments regarding the feature. Yet, their screams and screeches have fallen on deaf ears as the popular social networking site don’t have plans on removing the said feature. “Oh, if only I didn’t applied the feature to my account” is what people can only say.

Fortunately, a new service is about to change our Timeline experience. InstaCover enables you to bling up your Timeline with a cover photo that isn’t the usual cover photos.

For example, if you’re a fan of an actress or a movie, you can let the world know how much you adore them by using this service. The latter is similar to other Facebook apps. It will ask for your authorization to be able to link with you FB account. Then it will take you to a control panel where you can create an FB cover photo that can spice up your Timeline.

At least some individuals are devising ways to liven up your Timeline.