Early version of Microsoft’s Windows 8 OS launched


Windows aficionados’ long wait is over. It looks like Microsoft’s latest operating system is nearing its release with the availability of the preview of Windows 8 being unveiled in during the World Mobile Congress this week.

Companies normally release a preview version before its official release to allow individuals to test the software.

Windows 8 was designed to be used across different devices that include Tablets, smartphones and personal computers.

According to president of the Windows and Windows Live Division at Microsoft Steven Sinofsky, “With Windows 8, we reimagined the different ways people interact with their PC and how to make everything feel like a natural extension of the device, whether using a Windows 8 tablet, laptop or all-in-one. The Windows 8 Consumer Preview brings a no-compromises approach using your PC.”

The company claims that they have improved the latest preview since the developer release. Improvements can be noticed in the touch, keyboard and mouse interface, performance and reliability improvements.

The Windows 8 also has the beta version of the Windows Store. The latter offers different Metro styled apps from third party developers and Microsoft.

Sinofsky adds, “It’s an even better Windows than Windows 7. It’s incredibly fast and fluid to just navigate this UI.”