Siri to have Japanese, Mandarin, Russian versions next month?


Japanese, Chinese and Russian fans will welcome the rumor surrounding Apple Inc. Siri with open arms. Reports have been circulating that Siri may gain support for those three languages (Mandarin for the Chinese version) as early as next month.

DoNews claims that they have spoken to an Apple engineer who is currently developing the Chinese language version of Apple’s digital assistant. The unnamed source told the news site that testing has already began internally and if it continues to be successful, it will be released to the public by March.

Rumor also has it that Siri will now be able to provide local information and navigation that is only being enjoyed by iPhone users in the US. Currently, Siri can speak English, German and French. But Apple has promised that they will develop support for Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Korean and Spanish this year.

This isn’t really difficult to grasp since Apple has been focusing on the huge potential of the Asian market. Developing and making support for Siri in Asia will not be a risk since it will come as a major boost for their product.

Image source and image composite: Joe Aimonetti/CNET