Mozilla finally releases Firefox 10


The long wait is over.

Web browsing giant Mozilla has officially released the much awaited upgrade of their baby, the Firefox 10. This latest version of the open source browser has seen a lot of facelifts, improvements and features. In particular, the built in tools for web developers has seen a big boost.

Developers of the company have decided a year ago to transitioning the release of the Firefox 10. This new strategy would ensure better performance improvements and support for new web standards. This browser is the first official extended support release.

One of the biggest changes in the browser is its navigation bar. There is no longer a forward arrow button visible in the default navigation toolbar. It only appears when the user navigates a back page.

The keyhole shape that is formed by the back and forward buttons in the navigation toolbar has been an integral factor in the browsers identity. On the Firefox 10, this keyhole shape can only be seen when the user navigates back a page.

The new developer tools have an integrated developer panel that has a richer DOM inspector and a tool for viewing, toggling and modifying CSS properties. Add to that, former tools like web console, a JavaScript scratchpad.

The Firefox 10 can be downloaded through Mozilla’s webpage.