Facebook app spreads Android malware


A new program called Bouncer was developed for Android devices to ward of malware’s off of their operating systems. Unfortunately, scammers have found a way to circumvent the later to wreak havoc and continue to spread their menacing ways.

Sophos reports that a malware is spreading via the Facebook app. According to Vanja Svajcer of Sophos, she said that he had a friend request in Facebook and checked it using his Android to verify the requester. Once he clicked on the profile of the one who sent the request, it redirected him to another webpage that automatically downloaded a malware to his smartphone.

This new threat is named any_name.apk and it seems like this malware is being used to scoff up money through premium services.

According to Svajcer, this malware uses a class name, com.opera.install, which looks like a legitimate Opera browser app. He adds, “An encrypted configuration file inside the package includes the dialing codes for all supported countries and the premium rate number and text of the SMS message which it intends to send.”

This is similar to clickjacking which often occurs on Facebook. Users are usually shown a seemingly clean link but once they click on it, they are made to answer surveys releasing vital information about them.

Better check the links before you click on it.