Realistic Steve Jobs action figure available next month


Realistic Steve Jobs action figure available next month

Apple aficionados and Steve Jobs’ devotees can have their beloved tech icon on their shelves with the release of the founder’s unofficial action figure.

The Chinese company Inlcons is about to release a scale model (1:6 scale) of the Apple founder wearing his trademark poloneck, jeans and glasses. Images of the action figure show how similar (and I mean VERY similar) it is to the real Jobs that it received mixed reactions. The web is abuzz with comments on how realistic the doll is that its uncanny and bordering on creepy. 🙂

Initial reports indicate that the collectible will sell at $99.99 and will be in stores in February (if no injunctions are to be faced). The doll includes one realistic head with two pairs of glasses, one body and three pairs of hands.

Apple lawyers used to take legal action against companies who are selling Steve Jobs models. One example is the founder posed as a ninja. One Apple lawyer said, “Mr Jobs has not consented to the use of his name and/or image in the Product.”

If Inlcons escapes the wrath of Apple lawyers, buyers will have one realistic Steve Jobs collectible and two Apple logos – that makes it even more vulnerable for the company to be sued by Apple.

Keep your fingers crossed.