No Google Wallet for Galaxy Nexus


People who want to purchase the Google Galaxy Nexus for their near-field communications chip for shopping may be frustrated with the news that Verizon – the only official carrier for the Galaxy Nexus – has stated that they will not be supporting Google Wallet in its phones. Google confirmed the report the the carrier asked Google not to install the feature in the Galaxy Nexus.

But reports have said that Verizon is still in talks with Google regarding the Google Wallet application.

According to Verizon spokesperson Jeffrey Nelson that the Google Wallet is a different application thus making them think twice before including the feature on their Nexus package.

In a statement he said that, “Google Wallet does not simply access the operating system and basic hardware of our phones like thousands of other applications. He also added that, “instead, in order to work as architected by Google, Google Wallet needs to be integrated into a new, secure and proprietary hardware element in our phones.”

Free Press, a known media reform group said last Tuesday that the carrier’s decision is going to hurt the consumers, rival companies and technological advancement and illustrates the need for a stronger consumer protection from the Federal Communications Commission.

The release of the Galaxy Nexus has been shrouded in mystery. Verizon has been mum about the date of the release to the market and at the same time they’ve been quiet as to how much the phone will cost.

Though there have been reports that the new phone will cost around $299.99. Fairly equal to other premium smartphones standard price.

Two Verizon smartphones are priced at $299.99. These are the Droid RAZR and the HTC Rezound.

According to some analysts, the Galaxy Nexus is the most viable rival to Apple’s IPhone. The Galaxy Nexus even edges out the IPhone on Verizon’s 4G network capability and it boasts of Google’s latest OS, the Ice Cream Sandwich.