Another OS upgrade for your Android?


Ready for your next Android OS upgrade? With a little bit of patience, your next Android-capable smartphone might be carrying with it the latest OS from Google.

Reports have been circulating that Google has installed the new OS, called the Ice Cream Sandwich, internally. This is to test the new operating system for bugs and other software quirks to a large group of individuals. This in-house testing would be a great boost for Google since their employees can test the OS and at the same time Google can control the release in their ranks.

So how did this in-house release leak to the media and the online community? Unfortunately for Google, one of their employees placed a message in Google Plus that said, “Just got Ice-cream Sandwich update on my Nexus S & it’s looking great :)”. He also added, “Yeah an OTA, but it’s an early one for Google employees so we test it further so it’s even more awesome when you guys get it. So sadly I can’t comment on it more at this time…”

For some reason the one who placed this messages on his Google Plus account pulled it out once he realized that he erred on broadcasting this update to the public.

A December 2 post on the official CyanogenMod Blog read, “Google did a great job with ICS and added some really awesome features which in some cases replace or deprecate functionality that we had in CM7, so we are reevaluating all of our customizations. A number of devices are already up and running with CM9, and the focus is currently on getting as many devices ready as we can.”