Xbox 360: most-used game console


In a recent study conducted by market researcher Nielsen, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 is the most-used game console in America.

The result was based on the console’s share of total usage minutes. The Xbox 360 got 23.1 percent of gaming time. In the second PlayStation 2 with 20.4 of game time while Nintendo Wii bags the third place with a share of 19 percent usage time.

In the study, the market researching also found out that male gamers are not the only ones spending more and more time on glued to these consoles. Active female games (those who play at least one hour per week) now represent 45 percent of the entire gamer market.

It is not however, the Xbox 360 who has a big female-gamer population. According to Nielsen, 52 percent of Sony PSP players and 49 percent of Wii players are female.

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