Sony eyeing multi-core processor for coming PS4


Yes, after a decade of life span, Sony’s PS3 may have a big brother coming soon.

Kotaku, a video games-focused blog, reports that the Japanese company is considering a multi-core CPU design to power its next-gen PlayStation 4 consoles.

Kotaku, citing the Japanese website PC Watch, notes that some developers found it challenging to find alternatives for the PS3’s Cell architecture.

“One early alternative include Cell and Intel’s Larrabee. Wanting a bit more horsepower, Sony has apparently abandoned this plan. Sony was also apparently considering a modified version of the Synergistic Processor Unit, but is now supposedly working on designs that include a mulit-core CPU.”



  1. say just keep what you done with the ps3, just make the developers take lessons off real talented developers like guerilla, insomniac, square enix and naughty dog they dont moan n groan they get on with it and finish with outstanding results!

  2. say just keep what you done with the ps3, just make the developers take lessons off real talented developers like guerilla, insomniac, square enix and naughty dog they dont moan n groan they get on with it and finish with outstanding results!

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