Google’s Android App market still fighting


Android It may still take a while for them to catch up with Apple’s staggering 100,000+ applications available in the App Store, but the Android app market is growing and its growing fast.

According to AndroLib, a site that tracks the Android platform performance, Google’s app market has doubled in the last five months with applications now reaching 20,000+.

The news was announced today via Twitter: “Early Christmas present from Google: 20,000 apps in the Android market.”

It seems like Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, hit the nail when he said earlier this year that the Android’s growth will be explosive.

“Android adoption is about to explode,” he said. “You have all the necessary conditions.”

Based on AndroLib’s prediction, the number of iPhone apps will grow to an epic size of 300,000 in 2010, while Google’s Android Market is expected to grow to 50,000.

And hey, with the coming of the Nexus one, Google’s carrier-free Android smartphone, it might just be very possible. J
