Apple tablet to be launched in Spring 2010


Or at least that’s what an analyst says.

If you’re tired of hearing about this yet-to-be-seen but much talked-about Apple tablet (you read our first article on this here, and then here, here and oh yeah, here), too bad for you. As long as Apple keeps mum about this supposedly “new” gadget of theirs, the rumor mill is never gonna stop turning.

So anyway, in this new tidbit according to a research note from Oppenheimer, Apple is readying to launch a multi-touch tablet next year – around March or April. They said the company is set to release as much 1 million units per month.

Unlike other rumors, this one says the tablet will have a 10.1-inch multi-touch LCD screen.

“Our checks into Apple’s supply chain indicate that the manufacturing cogs for the tablet are creaking into action and should begin to hit a mass market stride in February,” Yair Reiner, an Oppenheimer analyst, wrote.

“The February ramp schedule suggests a late March or April commercial release, since Apple will need to build at least 5-6 weeks of inventory before going live.”

According to Reiner, this gadget will be challenging Kindle’s number one seat on the ebook market – or at least in the hearts of publishers. Compared to Kindle’s 70 percent cut to publishers with exclusive rights given to Amazon, Apple is offering the same cut but without requiring exclusivity.

“As innovative as it is, we believe the Kindle has disgruntled the publishing industry (book, newspaper, and magazine) by demanding exclusivity, disallowing advertising, and demanding a wolfish cut of revenue,” Reiner wrote. “The tablet is set to change that.”

Can’t wait for next year? Me either. 😉
