YouTube celebrates one billion views a day

Credit: YouTube
Credit: YouTube

In the third anniversary of its acquisition by Google, YouTube’s CEO announced that it has been streaming a billion videos a day.

“Today, I’m proud to say that we have been serving well over a billion views a day on YouTube. This is great moment in our short history and we owe it all to you,” CEO and co-founder Chad Hurley wrote in the blog.

Hurley also talked about the site’s evolution, from just a site catering to short, armature home videos done by people for fun, to the longer, better-quality videos and even earning profit for videos posted.

“Three years after the acquisition, our platform and our business continue to grow and evolve. We are still committed to the same principles that informed the site early on, but we knows things have changed. As bandwidth has increased, so has our video quality. As we’ve started to see demand for longer, full-length content, we’ve brought more shows and movies to the site. There are now more ways than ever to make and consume content, and more of you are looking to turn your hobby into a real business.”

Aware of the all the competition they have, Hurley also assured its users that they have their hands full in keeping up with the demand for better consumer experience.

“We’re working hard to keep up with the fast pace of technology to bring you everything you would expect from the world’s largest video site: better quality; a full spectrum of choices and tools for users, partners and advertisers; and ways to make the YouTube experience your own anywhere, anytime,” he wrote.
