Students choose Netbooks over Macs


According to a study conducted by Retrevo, a consumer electronics website, a big chunk of college-bound students preparing for school are planning on getting affordable netbooks than spending a lot for a Mac laptop.

The numbers?

Only a mere 17 percent of the students say that they intend to get Macs. And although 49 percent of students plan on getting full-sized Windows laptops, 34 percent of students will be buying netbooks – placing Macs in the last place.

And with the results showing 58 percent of students planning on spending less than $750 on their laptops, it’s really a hard case for Apple to with their cheapest laptop priced at $949, PCWorld reports.

It seems that with the netbooks’ affordability (with some priced under $200) and good-enough specs, students on a tight budget are choosing practicality over Mac-xury. J

Its not that Apple aren’t targeting the education market too. This year, the company is offering a free iPod Touch with every MacBook bought. But based on Retrevo’s study, it’ll take more than an iPod Touch to get students to cash out almost a thousand bucks for a laptop.

If you do have plans on buying a MacBook, hurry up though coz Apple’s special promotion ends on September 8.
