Patch for critical iPhone bug released


An iPhone software patch is now available to fix the critical bug that makes your device susceptible to secret attacks by hackers.

On July 30 in the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, researchers Charlie Miller and Collin Mulliner showed the audience how to break into iPhones by sending computer code via the phone’s SMS system. They said that the phone’s users cannot detect that it is receiving the malicious code. They had already warned Apple about it on July 18.

Miller and Mulliner found the flaw while they were looking for vulnerabilities in the SMS communications system. They said they wanted to go public because they wanted to warn iPhone users of the risk, as well as pressure the iPhone maker to fix the flaw.

Users of iPhone can now download the patch onto the computer using iTunes and install it on their devices by connecting it to their computer.

“There’s a real urgency for people to update their iPhones because of this wave of publicity. The race is on between those fixing the vulnerability and attackers seeking to exploit the issue,” Joris Evers, a spokesman for No. 2 security software maker McAfee Inc. said.
