Dual-screen laptopscoming to stores this year

Credit: Gizmodo Source: The Tech Herald
Credit: Gizmodo Source: The Tech Herald

If you’re someone who has to use lots of applications while working in your computer, then you won’t be worrying about lack of screen space if you’ve got this baby!

Alaska-based technology firm gScreen is releasing the world’s first laptop with twin monitors by the end of the year, and yes, it has TWO proper and usable 15.4-inch screens.

Named the Spacebook, this dual-screen laptop will be powered by the Windows 7 operating system and will be running on Intel Core 2 Duo processors. It has 4GBs of RAM and NVIDIA’s GF900M GT discrete graphics solution.

If you’re worried about the dual screen sapping all the life out of your nine-cell battery, there’s no need because using the second screen is optional.

“We designed this [device] knowing that many may not need the extra screen at all times,” gScreen founder Gordon Stewart commented in a Gizmodo report.

Interested? Be ready to fork up at least $3,000 to own this first-of-its-kind laptop. 😉

Source: http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/200936/4336/Spacebook-computer-offers-twin-screen-productivity