Businesses aren’t ready for Twitter yet


Twitter might be the number one microblogging site of today but it doesn’t mean that businesses are also eager to jump in the band wagon and use it like everybody does.

According to comScore Southeast Asia vice president Joe Nguyen, although Twitter hits from Asia-Pacific have grown tenfold since December of last year, businesses on the other hand are “still trying to understand the platform and are testing the waters”.

Citing an example of Dell and Intel’s Dell’s Swarm marketing campaign in Singapore where a Twitter account was used to post updates to users, Nguyen observes that Twitter was used “as one of the channels for communicating with consumers and potential customers, but has not been used as a marketing platform in and of itself.”

Twitter’s recently posted a Twitter 101 page that targets businesses and gives them a lowdown on how the site can help them.

Chris Brogan, president of new media agency, New Marketing Labs said that getting business to take Twitter seriously will be a big job not only for microblogging site, but also for the organizations “to align their marketing goals and strategies together with it.”

He said that it is not about the way Twitter is delivered, but about the organizations’ goals.

Founders of the microblogging site acknowledged that until now, they are not making money but that it’s not that big of a problem because they are focused on the long term.

Awww… 🙂
