Woman sued for tweeting against landlord


Lots of people earn money through Twitter through posting links to their sites, posting ads, and so on. But posting tweets may cost you money too…well at least for this woman from Chicago.

Twitter user Amanda Bonnen ( Twitter name: abonnen ) is now facing a $50,000 defamation suit for criticizing her landlord in a tweet she posted.

The Horizon Group Management, the company who claims to manage 1,500 apartments in Chicago, filed the lawsuit last Monday. According to them, they were “maliciously and wrongfully” defamed by the defendant’s tweet.

The company did not ask the woman to take down the post though. “We’re a sue first, ask questions later kind of an organization,” Jeffrey Michael, a member of the family that runs Horizon for 25 years, told the Sun-Times newspaper.

Their move however, sparked many reactions from Twitter users. Yesterday, many users voiced support for Bonnen and a few even suggested setting up a legal defense fund.

Source: http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/social_network/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=218700245