Happy Birthday App Store!


Another event to celebrate for all those Apple fans out there!

The App Store which was launched on July 11, 2008 will be nearing its first birthday and Apple is making sure it gets the celebration it deserves.

First off, to celebrate this milestone, Apple has dedicated an entire section on the iTunes store where it lists some of the company’s favorite apps for iPhones and iPod Touch. It also lists new apps as well as titles of the top paid apps.

Apple also recently celebrated its one billionth download on the App Store, giving that downloader some pretty cool gifts.

Since its launching, the App store has boasted more than 50,000 applications on its virtual shelves and still counting. Among the applications include crowd favorites such as IM utility BeeJive, ebook reader Stanza, and games such as The Sims 3 and Flight Control.

Pretty awesome for something barely a year old, huh? J

